The awfulness of female circumcision

July 9, 2012 § 1 Comment

A 22-year-old Marwat shakes her head, trying to get rid of terrible memories. Like most of the other Egyptian women, she also experienced all the awfulness of circumcision. According to some data, from 60 to 80% of African women are victims of this practice, which exists since the Pharaohs time. About 6 thousand girls undergo this operation in Africa every day. It is considered to be a part of traditional beliefs and acts of initiation of a girl into a woman. The operation is being done in extremely unsanitary conditions and without any painkillers.

One of the main aims of this manipulation is to reduce sexual desire and maintain a reproductive function, but it is proved that the effect of this operation is quite opposite – girls often become infertile, crippled and unhappy. In addition, according to scientists’ investigations, female circumcision has nothing to do with religion. That became a motto for their advertising campaign.
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